Thursday, March 1, 2012

Web 2.0 Tools Reflection

I see a lot of value in the Web 2.0 tools I reviewed for these assignments.  Many of them are part of my classroom already in a variety of ways, and others intrigue me.  I hope to add them to my classroom repertoire soon.   I think most promote greater collaboration than what we’ve, as educators, had before and the avenues of creativity are so vast in all the different, unique tools and sites created.  Opportunities are endless!  I do see them in my future – personally and professionally.  Having lived and taught overseas, they’ve helped me stay in touch with friends around the world and connect with like-minded colleagues and educators to incorporate new tools, strategies and best practices into my classroom.  Professionally, the opportunities are endless.  Now I don’t feel alone in my classroom, there are fabulous sites, activities, connections, links, etc at my fingertips to enhance instruction and increase my students’ understanding.  I would hate to have choose only one Web 2.0 tool as there are so many that I love and find valuable.  One that I have become better about utilizing this year is Google Docs.  The many applications of Google are among my favorites.   I especially like the use of Google docs with my students in reviewing and conferencing on their reading and writing.  Additionally it’s a great way to schedule meetings with parents, get feedback and make unit curriculum plans with groups of people.   

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